a new breakthrough in nail restoration
Onychomycosis, nail fungus, is a tough adversary. It doesn’t go away on its own. In fact, it’s not going to surrender unless you force it to. Practitioners have long sought for a no holds barred way to fight onychomycosis without risking the surrounding tissue or the patient’s health. The wait is over.
Our laser nail fungus treatment leads the long awaited, most innovative approach to onychomycosis tinea unguium.
FDA approved laser YAG 1064 for treatment of nail fungus.
The procedure is utilizing two distinct and proven laser technologies:
The lasers emit powerful bursts of light that transmit through the nail plate to the nail bed to be absorbed by the pigmented yeasts responsible for the infection. Non-specific heat conduction is then introduced by the Nd:YAG 1064 laser beam where the unwanted organism is thermally deactivated as the target area absorbs the beam of radiation and transfer the thermal energy to the unwanted organism. Against this kind of laser, nail fungus doesn’t stand a chance.
We know the most important question when investing in treatment is simply, “Does it work?” At MGR and FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center we will be happy to answer any questions about the nail fungus treatment, provide you with full guidance on what to expect before, during, and after your treatment. Your will be glad you did because, let’s face it, nobody should be ashamed of their toes.