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FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center

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Our Services

Our physicians dedicate 100% of their time to medical weight loss, anti-aging, acne therapies, vein treatments, aesthetic medicine, and laser procedures. Therefore their goal is to find you the safest, most efficient, highly sought after aesthetic treatments. Additionally you will find a knowledgeable, licensed staff, the latest technology, top quality medical-grade products, and a relaxing, comfortable atmosphere.

HCG Weight Loss

HCG Weight Loss is our “fast track” medical weight loss program designed for the most serious and committed patients (due to its strict regimen). HCG Weight Loss uses medical administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during a low calorie diet.

The HCG is a natural protein hormone. In our body, it acts as a precursor to produce the other hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormones. Stimulating these hormones helps sustain a high level of energy and lean body mass during medically supervised very low calorie diet.

Framework and Tools

Our physician-supervised weight loss program is designed for maximum success and proven to be the safest and smartest way to lose weight and maintain the loss.

Your physician is formally trained to understand the various weight loss options that are healthy for you based upon your personal goals, medical history, nutritional habits, and your metabolism. Hence by understanding your needs from a medical and personal view your physician will create a customized, individualized program that will give you the results you expect.

Weight Loss Products

At FeelNu we offer the highest quality, most effective weight loss products available. These scientifically formulated meal replacements and nutritional supplements fit custom designed “high protein, low calorie and carb” meal plans.

Weight Loss FAQ

When it comes to weight control, safety is the biggest concern. At MGR all decisions regarding your care and progress are made with the expert knowledge by bariatric and internal medicine boards certified medical professional who is dedicated to your safety and long term success.

ReShape Gastric Balloon

ReShape gastric balloon is a newer kind of weight loss procedure. A saline filled double chamber gastric balloon made out of silicone is placed in the patient’s stomach.

This balloon insertion subsequently makes the patient feel full all the time and helps diminish caloric intake. Therefore ReShape passively alters a patient’s diet by decreasing the sense of hunger and cravings.

Anti-Aging for Women

Throughout the aging process, our bodies change and we develop certain deficiencies that occur due to life changes and genetics.

We often develop various chronic or persistent symptoms due to aging, when in fact these conditions result from hormone levels declining.

Anti-Aging for Men

Throughout the aging process, our bodies change and we develop certain deficiencies that occur due to life changes and genetics.

We often develop various chronic or persistent symptoms due to aging, when in fact these conditions result from hormone levels declining.

Sermorelin Anti-Aging

Sermorelin is a safe bio identical hormone that helps stimulate natural Human Growth Hormone (HGH) from the pituitary gland. Sermorelin should not be confused with HGH.

It is not simply HGH by a different name, but something entirely different. Consequently known as a growth hormone secretagogue, Sermorelin stimulates the pituitary gland into producing and secreting HGH naturally and safely.

Anti-Aging FAQ

Find out the answers to your Anti-Aging and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Vitamin Infusion Therapy

We do not realize how common it is to have vitamin and nutritional deficiencies even with a healthy lifestyle. Poor digestion, aging, and even over activity can drain us of the essential vitamins our bodies need to function.

These deficiencies then affect our energy, performance, weight, and a lot more. Unfortunately oral supplements have a very limited absorption and effect on the body. Most see very questionable results with varying degrees of success.

Skin Care

FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center in Pittsburgh specializes in skin and body care using medically based treatments under supervision of board certified physicians.

Hence we offer a full range of aesthetic solutions, the latest technology, medical-grade products, and a relaxing, comfortable spa atmosphere.

Injectable Procedures

If you are considering any injectable procedure there are many things to know. All cosmetic injectables and fillers are different.

They include a variety of materials which last for different duration of time, have different effects and applications. Dr. Irina Vinarski is one of the best injectors of Botox® and Dysport® in the Pittsburgh region.

About Medical Lasers

Using with the latest and greatest aesthetic procedures available, men and women alike can smooth out their skin, win the battle over unwanted hair, reduce the signs of aging, and contour their bodies without risky surgery or weeks of downtime.

Laser treatments can handle a wide range of issues from skin tightening to tattoo removal. Dr. V and her staff skillfully perform all functions of laser treatments to benefit our patients’ health and beauty.

Body Aesthetics

At our clinic in Pittsburgh, ThermiTight Liposuction is the first aesthetic procedure, which delivers controlled thermal energy under the skin to reverse the effects of aging.

ThermiTight Liposuction is ideal for patients who want more results than non-invasive procedures can deliver and DO NOT want surgery. It’s great for problem areas of the face, neck, tummy and thighs.

Broad Based Light

Broad Based Light (BBL™) with or without Levulan (see Photodynamic Therapy) has proven its ability in the treatment of acne.

This is a FDA approved treatment that utilizes a blue filter to selectively target the p-acnes bacteria that are partially responsible for acne in the skin. BBL gently and effectively applies pulsed light directly through the skin layer underneath the surface.

Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic acne therapy involves the application of Levulan® photosensitizing solution to the treatment area followed by exposure to a light source. Levulan® finds use in photodynamic acne therapy and significantly improves mild to moderate acne.

Levulan® photodynamic acne therapy is an effective alternative for patients whose skin has become resistant to antibiotic treatments over time. As well as for those who want to avoid the hassle of applying topical ointments and creams such as Accutane®.

Acne Chemical Peels

When topical acne medications do not provide satisfactory results, a clearer, healthy-looking complexion is possible with a chemical peel for acne or acne scars.

An acne chemical peel applies a chemical solution to the skin. The solution causes the skin to blister and peel over a period of several days. As the treated skin comes off, fresh new skin replaces it. This exfoliation caused by the acne skin peel eliminates or reduces the appearance of acne blemishes and scars.

Obagi Clenziderm System

We are now offering Obagi CLENZIderm® M.D. Systems – the only prescription-strength acne treatments that contain a patented, solubilized form of 5% benzoyl peroxide (BPO) to penetrate deep into the follicle and treat acne where it starts.

Acne Treatments FAQ

Acne generally effects young people experiencing dramatic hormonal changes, but can continue into adult life as well.

Even after acne disapperas, acne scars may remain as a bad reminder of something you’d rather forget. Sporadic acne is generally treated with over-the-counter medications, but severe acne and acne scars treatments require the expertise of a physician.

Laser Vein Treatments

MGR’s FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center offers a wide variety of effective laser vein treatments targeting large varicose veins, spider veins, and telangectasias (small, superficial blood vessels that become visible because they are dilated).

Non-Invasive Evaluation

Treatment begins with non-invasive evaluation essential for making a correct diagnosis and for determining vein treatment options. In the past, surgeons would only remove the veins that they could see on the surface of the skin. They did not have the benefits of current evaluation techniques and were unable to completely evaluate the cause of the patient’s varicose vein problems.

We now have access to incredible breakthroughs in technology, which allow us to provide incredible, long lasting results.

Conservative Therapy

Conservative vein therapy refers to the non-invasive forms of treatment. These conservative methods may include medications such as anti-inflammatory medications to help with pain management and also graduated compression stockings. These treatments target varicose veins and poor circulation.


Sclerotherapy is a safe, minimally invasive, and almost always effective procedure for treating superficial surface veins. This procedure uses tiny needles to inject a liquid or foam chemical agent into visible surface veins. The injected chemical solution causes the treated veins to shrink and collapse over time.

Multiple sessions are often required for full results, but once the veins are gone, they generally stay that way.

Laser Vein Reduction

Laser vein reduction procedures or laser vein treatments very effectively target small veins, spider veins, and telangectasias (small, superficial blood vessels that become visible due to dilation).

Therefore the majority of red or purple surface veins can be removed or reduced with little or no discomfort.

Endovenous Therapy

With recent advances in technology to treat vein disease there is now a better choice for varicose vein sufferers called EVLT® (EndoVenous Laser Treatment). An innovative non-surgical procedure, EVLT® uses laser vein treatments to seal the problem vein safely and effectively, thus eliminating the problem at its source.

Our EVLT® Treatments Deliver Results, Comfort, and Convenience.


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ThermiTight Liposuction is a painless, micro-invasive procedure, which usually takes less than one hour, with little or no downtime. A tiny probe inserted under the skin delivers radio frequency energy to the target tissues causing immediate shrinkage.

Results are immediate and improve over time. ThermiTight Liposuction is ideal for patients who want more results than non-invasive procedures can deliver and DO NOT want surgery.

We can't wait to meet you

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our hours vary to fit diverse lifestyles

2019 Schedule

Let's get you started!

  • Monday: 8 am - 7 pm
  • Tuesday: 9 am - 7 pm
  • Wednesday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Friday: 8 am - 2 pm
  • Saturday + Sunday: Closed

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