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FeelNu Medical Spa and Wellness Center

Weight Loss Frequently Asked Questions

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Weight Loss Frequently asked questions

When it comes to weight control, safety is the biggest concern. At MGR all decisions regarding your care and progress are made with the expert knowledge by bariatric and internal medicine boards certified medical professional who is dedicated to your safety and long term success.

There is no faster way to safely lose weight than with the guidance of a specially trained physician. In fact, most of our patients lose between 8-20 pounds in 4 weeks. Incredible results come from you and your physician working one-on-one to create a plan medically tailored to your body. If you have tried other weight loss programs with little or no success, you know it can be a frustrating and disappointing process.

MGR and FeelNu offer the latest proven medical weight loss options available to you. These options are safe and medically proven to be the most effective in your initial desire to lose weight and your long-term goal of maintaining these results. MGR is not your typical weight loss center! You will soon come to realize there are many qualities that differentiate us from other weight loss programs. We don’t believe in a stamp approach and tailor our programs specifically for you.

We care for you as a patient, not a customer. Each patient gets evaluated individually and your personalized program tailored specifically for your lifestyle and dietary needs. You will meet with a bariatric and internal medicine board certified physician extensively trained in obesity management and internal medicine. We will also counsel and coach you to help you overcome any behavioral challenges with which you are struggling. Such a personal level of care sets our programs apart from other commercial based weight loss programs. Additionally, physician will perform ongoing evaluations of your health status so that you can decrease your medications for weight-related diseases as your health improves. If medically indicated, we may also prescribe weight control medications, such as appetite suppressants and others, to assist with your weight loss efforts.

We will do a careful evaluation that determines your specific needs. You will not just “going on a diet”. You will learn about lifestyle changes not based on “what to eat”, but about principles of good nutrition and applying them. Then you can use those skills and make right decisions no matter where you get your next meal.
Very safe! Dr. Vinarski’s programs come customized and take into account your activity level and medical history. These physician-supervised programs have proven to be the safest and smartest way to lose weight and maintain the loss. Your excessive weight is frequently accompanied by other medical conditions which might go undetected and untreated in a non-medical weight loss program. Do you know all other non-physician weight loss services state in their literature: “before starting any weight loss program please consult your physician”? Consequently, at FeelNu, your weight loss specialist and your physician is the same person.

Not only our programs safe for people with diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other medical problems – they are helping to control any further complications that result from these diseases. Even more, our weight loss programs can help alleviate many of the other conditions that result from obesity, including arthritis, coronary artery disease, sleep apnea, and persistent lymphedema, lower extremity edema, hypertension, and high cholesterol.
When medically indicated and as part of a carefully monitored individualized program, the physician will select the right prescription for you. Dr. Vinarski may use appetite suppressants to decrease your desire for food and also to boost your metabolism. We do everything we can to help you lose weight using safe and medically proven methods without you being hungry! Your supplemental weight loss medication gets carefully selected with your current medical conditions and medications in mind.
Bariatric is a medical specialization (branch of medicine) that deals specifically with problems of obesity, or being overweight. It is a very specialized field and only about 1% of the medical doctors in this country are qualified members of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and even less certified by special Bariatric board. Since obesity is a disease, it makes sense to treat it as one. In 1985, the National Institutes of Health, at its Health Consensus Development Conference on the Health Implications of Obesity, stated that obesity should be treated and monitored medically by a trained physician.

Bariatric physicians, or bariatricians, are medical doctors who specialize in the treatment of overweight and obese patients and related medical conditions. These licensed physicians have received special training in Bariatric Medicine: the art and science of medical weight management. Bariatricians treat overweight and obese patients with a comprehensive program of diet and nutrition, exercise, behavioral therapy and, when necessary, the prescription of appetite suppressants and other appropriate medications. (The word bariatric stems from the Greek root “baro” meaning heavy or large.)

Not only your personal physician at MGR licensed and board certified in Bariatric Medicine but also licensed and board certified in Internal Medicine.
Most of our patients lose between 8-20 pounds each month. The first month you will lose weight faster. The following months, you will maintain a steady weight loss, usually of 2-3 pounds per week. Each individual’s weight loss progress is different. Since every person’s needs and preferences are unique, plans are set up with the patient that best fits his/her lifestyle and dietary needs. In addition, taking appetite suppressants and Vitamin B Complex with Lipotropic Injections can speed up weight loss. Results and the number of pounds lost are variable.
We recommend you to check with us and also with your insurance plan about coverage for medical weight loss since all plans differ. We will submit all the insurance paperwork in case if your plan offers that benefit.
These injections are combination of Vitamins B5, B6, B12, and lipotropic amino acids. Vitamin B is an essential vitamin used by the body to create energy. The lipotropics are a natural combination of three amino acids which are targeted towards the liver. The liver aids in removing fat from the body. These injections help you to lose weight by boosting energy so that you will burn off more calories and increasing the removal of fat from the body. Due to this we see an average additional weight loss of 2.5% for women and 3.7% for men.
Body composition is the amount of water, lean body mass and fat in the human body. The definition of obesity is based on the percentage of body fat. Standard height and weight charts are inadequate in assessing a patient’s percent body fat. BCA can determine how much of your body weight is fat mass, and therefore what your percent body fat is. Our highly innovative scale figures this number. Our goal is to help you have good quality weight loss, which means, loss of body fat mass only. Rapid weight loss can result is sacrificing too much lean body mass (which may ultimately slow down your metabolism making the weight loss harder to sustain long-term). We want to help you lose weight rapidly, but not at the expense of losing lean body mass.

This is why we measure your body composition, so we can monitor the quality of your weight loss. If you were trying to lose weight on your own and are just using a conventional scale, you may start to lose motivation if you aren’t seeing the scale move fast enough. Weight loss progress, as measured on a conventional scale, can sometimes be erratic and unpredictable due to water fluctuations (especially in women who still are menstruating). This phenomenon can be unsettling if it were unexpected and especially if you have been following a program and don’t see the anticipated loss of pounds on the scale. Having your body composition analyzed means you will know when your scale isn’t moving simply due to water retention. In actuality, you may still be losing fat mass, which means you are still improving your body composition and making progress with your weight loss.
The most basic principle of weight management is that total body weight and body composition (fat weight versus lean fat free weight) is the result of the difference between energy (calories) consumed versus energy (calories) utilized. Metabolism is the number of calories your body burns per day. Resting metabolism means the amount of energy utilized to exist- to breathe, maintain body temperature, for the heart to pump, etc. Knowing this calorie expenditure is the key to successful weight management. In other words, everyone has a calorie “budget” to consume based on the total calorie output. This is true whether the goal is to maintain weight, lose weight, or gain weight.

We are using state of the art, an FDA approved computerized MA. Your body combines food (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) with oxygen to produce energy. The MA system measures the amount of oxygen the body consumes (VO2) and determines resting metabolic rate (RMR) in calories/day. As a result it takes all the “guess work” out of determining what calorie (energy) “budget” would be best followed to achieve weight management goals.

The test takes place in the morning as accurate results require the individual to be fasting without prior activity and exercise that day. The person rests on an exam table, the nose closed shut, and the patient breathes through a mouthpiece inserted in the device. Within ten minutes the person’s RMR is determined. This information allows us to accurately calculate total daily calories expended with the individual’s activities of daily living and exercise routine included.
Please be careful. Unfortunately many diet scams get attention with false promises. In addition they could put you at serious health risks. Don’t be fooled by “Diet Pills”, large variety of other pills and products claiming to be “All Natural” which claim to have a weight loss effect. You should know that they are not regulated by the FDA/Government and may not even contain what the labels say they do. They can also have too much of a vitamin, mineral or herb, or a dangerous combination of all three (that can be toxic to your system).

More often they claim to “work miracles” that are just flat out not true! There are no “magical” weight losses pills that will make you lose weight and help you maintain it because sustained weight loss requires complex approach and expert knowledge of obesity and weight loss that only medical professional can provide.
Our weight loss programs are not only for extremely overweight or obese patients, but also for anyone who is unhappy or feels unhealthy due to their weight. We will tell you if you shouldn’t, or don’t need to lose weight, or if you are not the right candidate for one of our weight loss programs for any reason. Our goal is your overall health.
Since FeelNu customizes all programs, this depends on how much weight you need/wish to lose. Weight loss is not a “quick fix!” We will work with you to help you to achieve on-going success. You determine your participation in the program. Hence your target weight is your and our goal. We offer the guidance and tools to meet your needs, a medically proven structure, and means to achieve your goals.
You can still lose nearly as much weight. The diet and medication are the most important factors during the rapid weight loss phase,. After you lose your weight and you are trying to maintain it, then some type of exercise is very important.
No. We will teach and counsel you how to make choices and develop lifestyle habits that will enable you to keep the weight off after you stop taking the medication and for life. The potential for gaining weight is always present, but you’ll learn to control it. We’ll remain as your support system as long as you need us.
No. You will have private, one-on-one consultations at each visit. This is how we can best determine a course of action that is specific to your needs and measure the progress.